Health And Safety Excellence program

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Why Join?

Health and Safety Excellence program helps you make your workplace safer, while earning rebates on your WSIB premiums. Through our program, you’ll benefit from:

  • Reduced risk of injuries and illnesses in your workplace and a stronger health and safety culture

  • Recognition to show your commitment to health and safety to your employees, customers and community

  • And if you’re a smaller business (1-99 full-time employees), you can earn double the rebates on your annual WSIB premiums, plus $1,000 toward your health and safety plan, in 2023!

The Process

We will help you develop a health and safety action plan based on different focus areas, known as program topics, such as controlling a hazard and emergency preparation.

The program has three levels – foundations, intermediate and advanced. There are 36 topics spread across the three levels.

Steps diagram of program levels: 1. Foundation, 2. Intermediate, 3. Advanced. Foundation has 10 topics. Intermediate has 17 topics


  • Rebate on premium
  • Lower premium rates
  • Company name on WSIB website
  • Certificates and badges premium rates
  • Aligned with COR, ISO, SOSE
  • Workplace safety culture improvement


Special Offers for Clients.

Please contact us for further information.


  • Rebate Calculator - Calculate your minumum and maximum rebates.
  • Safety Check - Search workplace health & safety statistics by business name, type, size.




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